26IndexContents26IndexContentsInteractive pen displayCUSTOMIZING PEN MODE AND OPTIONSSelect the P EN tab to change the functions assigned to the switch and tip of your pen..Select the functions to performwhen pressing the pen switch.When you bring the pen tip within5 mm (0.2 inch) of the pen displayscreen surface without touchingthe screen and press the penswitch, the selected functionoccurs.Tip: To make double-clickingeasier, set the switch todouble-click automaticallyby selecting D OUBLE C LICK .Double-click here to change the functionassigned to the pen tip.Note: The tip must be set to C LICK inorder to draw in most graphicsapplications.You can change the S IDE S WITCH M ODE to bestfit the way you like to use the pen when makingright-clicks or other click functions.To access the S IDE S WITCH M ODE settings, clickon the O PTIONS... button at the bottom of themain control panel. In the O PTIONS dialog box:• Select H OVER C LICK to perform clickfunctions without touching the pen tip tothe pen display screen surface.• When C LICK & TAP is selected, you mustpress the pen switch while touching thepen tip to the pen display screen surface inorder to perform a click function. C LICK &TAP enables the precise placement of yourclick functions, and is the default setting forTablet PCs.• Choose Right or Left for right-handed orleft-handed orientation.• Use the Brightness Adjustment slider to setyour preferred brightness for the screen.