5.3 Temperature (A or B) MenuThe Temperature menu contains the following settings: Calibration and Unit selection . TheTemperature menu will be indicated on the display by one of the following:Temperature Normal operationTemp 70°F Normal operationTemp Error Indicates that there is a problem with the temperature input. See Figure 9.Calibrate To Calibrate the Temperature, use a thermometer to measure the fluid temperature and adjust the WDT controller tomatch. Once Calibrate is entered, the unit continuously displays temperature readings. Press the Up or Down arrowkey to change the value displayed to match the thermometer. You must press ENTER to activate the new calibration.You must press the EXIT key to exit calibration.Man Temp This menu appears only if no temperature element is connected at power-up. Use the arrow keys to adjust thetemperature displayed to match that of the water.Units You may choose to display temperature in °C or °F. Press ENTER and the Up or Down Arrow keys to change thetemperature units for display.Mode Press ENTER and use the UP or DOWN arrow keys to select between Manual Temperature Compensation (used withsensors that do not have a temperature measuring element in them) or Automatic Temperature Compensation. IfAutomatic is selected, and the temperature element is not detected, the controller will display a Temp Error and revertto Manual Temp Comp until the signal is restored.CalibrateTemp °F 68Units °F°FUnits °C°CTemp 68°FCalibrateTemp 68°FMan Temp 682000 s 68° FTemperatureTemp 68°FUnits °FENTEREXITENTEREXIT ENTEREXITNEXTPREV.Mode ManManual Temp CompMode ManAuto Temp CompTemp 68°FMode ManualENTEREXIT2CalibrateTemp °C 20.11Possible Status ScreenTemperature MenuTemperature ErrLegendMenu wording that appears when Automatic Temperature Compensation is selected.Menu wording that appears when Manual Temperature Compensation is selected.21Figure 9 Temperature Menu16