Assembly Instructions22CHECK GEAR AXLE OIL LEVELRefer to Gear Axle Lubrication in Maintenance In-structions.INSPECT FOUR (4) DRIVE BELTSEngine PTO Drive, Jackshaft Drive, HydrostaticGround Drive, and GHS Blower Drive (if equipped).CHECK HYDROSTATIC TRANSMISSION OILLEVELRefer to LUBRICATION forChecking HydrostaticTransmission Fluid Level in Maintenance Instruc-tions.CHECK BATTERY ELECTROLYTE LEVELRefer to CHECKING/SERVICING the Battery inMaintenance Instructions.CHECK FUNCTIONS OF INSTRUMENT PANELAND WARNING HORNTurn the ignition key to the RUN position. Voltmeter,Oil Pressure Light, and Warning Horn should all op-erate, indicating normal function.CHECK TIRE PRESSUREDeck Caster Wheel = 20 PSI (137 kPa)Drive = 15 PSI (103 kPa)Rear = 20 PSI (137 kPa)CHECK AND CLEAN GRASS BUILDUP UN-DERNEATH MOWER DECK (and inside GHSblower, if equipped)Refer to CLEANING the GHS Blower in Mainte-nance Instructions for blower cleaning information.NOTE: Mower deck is secured in raised position forcleaning and changing blades by hooking the decklift rod into the body bracket below the counterweightspring clip. The rod is hinged and is stowed along thefootrest of the deck carrier frame. A hitch pin on theend of the rod is used to secure it in place with thedeck raised.Deck Secured in UP Position (Non-Tilting)If equipped, the tilt-up deck can be secured in theraised position by unlocking the deck lock levers oneach side of the carrier frame and inserting the deckhook into the tilt-up latch on the tractor body. Beforeoperating the tractor, make sure to re-engage thedeck lock levers after lowering the deck to the nor-mal operating position.Deck Secured in TILT-UP PositionDANGERNever operate cutter blades with deck inraised position because it is hazardous.BodyBracketCounterweightSpring ClipDeck LiftRodDeck Lock LeverTilt-Up LatchTilt-Up LatchTilt-Up Hookon Deck