72Maintenance Instructions ADJUSTMENTSNOTE: Adjust thebolt downward forquicker activation.Friction NutJam Nut Front of MowerSwitch Closedin NeutralFSC SwitchActuator ArmSwitch AdjustmentBoltFSC Neutral Switch Adjustment(Side View Through Chassis)CAUTIONBefore testing the FSC Neutral Switch,disconnect the spark plug wire from theengine and engage the parking brake toprevent accidental starting and inadver-tent machine movement.2. Check operation of the FSC Neutral Switch byplacing the FSC lever in the full FORWARD po-sition. While holding the ignition switch in theSTART position, slowly move the FSC lever to-ward the NEUTRAL-PARK position and stopwhen the starter motor engages. Note the posi-tion of the FSC lever where it passes throughthe slot in the body. The FSC lever should bewithin 1/8 in. (3 mm) of the NEUTRAL-PARKposition. If this distance is greater than 1/8 in.(3 mm), turn the adjustment bolt down slightlyand recheck switch operation. When finishedadjusting, tighten the jam nut and reconnect thespark plug wire.Step 7 - Forward Speed Control Friction AdjustmentFSC Friction Adjustment Test1. Place the FSC lever in the full FORWARDposition, and pull both steering levers fully back;the FSC lever should not move. If the FSC levermoves back the friction needs to be increased.2. With the steering levers held back, move theFSC lever back from the FORWARD position.With a proper amount of friction adjusted, theFSC lever should move back with a slightamount of re sistance (friction). If the FSC levermovement is “stiff”, the friction needs to bedecreased.3. The FSC friction is increased or decreased bytightening or loosening the friction adjust-ment nut. Loosen or tighten the nut and checkthe control function until the conditions of bothsteps 1 and 2 (above) are met.FSC FrictionAdjustment NutFSC Friction Adjustment Nut