5.3 SAFETY TRAINING1. Safety is a primary concern in the design andmanufacture of our products. Unfortunately,our efforts to provide safe equipment canbe wiped out by a single careless act of anoperator or bystander.2. In addition to the design and configuration ofequipment, hazard control and accident pre-vention are dependent upon the awareness,concern, prudence and proper training ofpersonnel involved in the operation, transport,maintenance and storage of this equipment.3. It has been said, "Thebest safety feature is aninformed, careful opera-tor." We ask you to be thatkind of an operator. It is theoperator's responsibility to read and under-stand ALL Safety and Using instructions in themanual and to follow these. Accidents can beavoided.4. Working with unfamiliar equipment canlead to careless injuries. Read this manualbefore assembly or using, to acquaintyourself with the machine. If this machineis used by any person other than yourself,or is loaned or rented, it is the machineowner's responsibility to make certain thatthe operator, prior to using:a. Reads and understands the operator'smanuals.b. Is instructed in safe and proper use.5. Know your controls and how to stop powerunit engine and machine quickly in an emer-gency. Read this manual and the one pro-vided with your skid steer.6. Train all new personnel and review instruc-tions frequently with existing workers. Becertain only a properly trained and physicallyable person will use the machinery. A personwho has not read and understood all usingand safety instructions is not qualified to usethe machine. An untrained operator exposeshimself and bystanders to possible serious in-jury or death. If the elderly are assisting withthe work, their physical limitations need to berecognized and accommodated..4 SAFETY SIGNS1. Keep safety signs clean and legible at alltimes.2. Replace safety signs that are missing or havebecome illegible.3. Replaced parts that displayed a safety signshould also display the current sign.4. Safety signs displayed in Section 3 each havea part number in the lower right hand corner.Use this part number when ordering replace-ment parts.5. Safety signs are available from your author-ized Distributor or Dealer Parts Department orthe factory.How to Install Safety Signs:• Be sure that the installation area is clean anddry.• Be sure temperature is above 50°F (10°C).• Determine exact position before you removethe backing paper.• Remove the smallest portion of the split back-ing paper.• Align the sign over the specified area andcarefully press the small portion with the ex-posed sticky backing in place.• Slowly peel back the remaining paper andcarefully smooth the remaining portion of thesign in place.• Small air pockets can be pierced with a pinand smoothed out using the piece of signbacking paper.