44. FIELD OPERATIONFollow this procedure when using the splitter:1. Prepare the Skid Steer and splitter (refer tosection 4.7)2. Attach splitter to the skid steer (refer to Sec-tion 4.8).3. Review and follow the pre-operation check-lists (refer to Section 4.4).4. Review the location and function of all con-trols (refer to Section 4.5)5. Review the work site and plan the projectbefore starting.6. Transport the splitter to the worksite (refer toSection 4.10).OPERATING SAFETY• Read and understand the Operator’s Manualand all safety signs before operating, servic-ing, adjusting, repairing or unplugging.• Do not allow riders.• Install and secure all guards and shieldsbefore starting or operating.• Keep hands, feet, hair and clothing awayfrom moving parts.• Place all controls in neutral, stop tractorengine, set park brake, remove ignition keyand wait for all moving parts to stop beforeservicing, adjusting, repairing or unplugging.• Place all tractor and machine controls inneutral before starting.• Always wear the appropriate personal safetyequipment when operating splitter includingbut not limited to hard hat, safety shoes, faceshield and heavy gloves.• Clear the area of bystanders, especiallysmall children, before starting.• Do not operate on slopes or sidehills.• Keep working area clean, neat and dry toprevent slipping and tripping.• Keep all mechanical and hydraulic compo-nents in good condition. Do not operatewith leaks or damaged components.• Load splitter by holding logs on the siderather than the top and bottom.• Do not split wood across the grain.• Review safety instructions with all operatorsannually.