SSL E-Channel & G-Channel User Manual12EQ To Bypass bypasses the EQ section. Note that selecting Bypass does not result in a flat signal ,but rather one which mimics the flat response of the SSL channel strip hardware. Dyn S-C- E-Channel switches the filters and eq into the dynamics sidechain, enabling simplede-essing, etc. FLT Dyn S-C- G-Channel- switches the filters into the dynamics sidechain.Master Section Level Indicator expresses levels in dBFS, although all parameters are expressed as dBu. Input and Output switches above the meter allow you to toggle the level indicator betweeninput and output. Input Trim enables you to trim the input to the channel by ± 18db. The plug-in is aligned sothat -18 dBFS = 0dbu. Output fader controls the output level of the processor. Analogue On/Off Switching off Analogue disables analogue emulation. Phase Reverse (Ø) reverses the phase of the input signal.