18Step 24: Upper Door Arm PositioningTrolley must be at the factory preset fully close posi-tion. If not, activate opener to bring trolley to factorypreset close limit, (see illustration).CAUTION: Door arm will swing down when tie wrapis cut. Support upper arm with your free hand, toprevent door arm from swinging down unexpectedly.The upper door arm is secured to the spacer bracket with onetie wrap during shipping. Remove tie wrap attaching upperdoor arm to the spacer bracket, this will allow door arm toswing down. Slide the trolley until it snaps on the chain latchassembly. Attach warning label and red pull knob to redrelease cord connected to trolley.Step 25: Setting Trolley Close Posi-tionVerify trolley close position is 11” to 13” between trolleyclevis pin and the inside face of the door. If adjustmentof the trolley position is required, use the close traveladjustment screw located on the bottom of the motorhead. A 1/4 turn equals approximately 1” of trolley travel;turn clockwise to decrease distance (forward) andcounter-clockwise to increase distance (backward).Step 26: Connecting Door Arm to DoorAlign lower door arm hole in curved end(single hole) with middle hole of doorbracket. Install 5/16” clevis pin throughlower door arm and door bracket, slide5/16” flat washer over clevis pin and se-cure with retaining ring.Align upper and lower door arm pieces tonearest matching holes. Note: It may benecessary to apply downward pressureon the door or slightly raise the doorduring this process. Secure upper andlower door arms to each other using two1/4-20x3/4” machine bolts and 1/4-20nylock nuts.Note: Door arm angle must be 10° to 30° degrees (see illustration). If not, repeatStep 25 and increase distance between trolley clevis pin and inside face of the door.Note: Install machine bolts as far apart as possible.