Tools Needed:25Please Do Not Return This Product To The Store. Contact your local Wayne-Dalton dealer. To find your local Wayne-Dalton dealer, refer to yourlocal yellow pages/business listings or go to the Find a Dealer section online at www.wayne-dalton.comINSTAllATIONIT Is RECOMMENDED ThaT lEaThERGlOVEs bE WORN WhIlE WINDINGThE TORquEMasTER® Plus sPRINGs.faIluRE TO WEaR GlOVEs May CausEINjuRy TO haNDs.Double check to ensure thecounterbalance cable is aligned in thefirst and second groove of the cabledrum (step 25).There are two methods for counting thespring turns as you wind. One method isto identify the black tooth on the ratchetwheel inside of the end bracket. Whenthe wheel makes one revolution and thetooth returns to its starting point, oneturn has been made. The other methodis to make a mark on the winding shaft(or socket) and end bracket, and countyour turns in this manor.starting on the right hand side. Turn thepawl knob on the end bracket to theupper position. using a ratchet wrenchwith a 16mm 5/8“ socket (NOTE: a 76mm 3” extension is also recommendedfor added clearance from the horizontalangle.), wind the spring by rotatingthe winding shaft counter clockwise,while watching either the black toothon the ratchet wheel or the mark on thewinding shaft.IMPORTANT: PaWl kNOb MusT bEIN uPPER POsITION TO aDD/ REMOVEREquIRED NuMbER Of sPRING TuRNs.after 2-3 turns, remove the ratchetwrench and adjust the cable on the leftside. Ensure the cables are in the firstand second groove of the cable drums,as shown in step 25.NOTE: single spring application requireno spring winding on the left hand side,but cable tension needs to be adjusted.IMPORTANT: COuNTERbalaNCECablE TENsION MusT bE Equal ONbOTh sIDEs PRIOR TO fully WINDINGsPRINGs.SEE ThE SPRING TURN ChART FORThE REqUIRED NUMbER OF TURNS:For single spring applications:Return to the right hand and continuewinding the spring to the requirednumber of turns for your door. Placepawl knob in lower position.For double spring applications:Either use the black tooth on the ratchet26 Winding SpringsRatchet Wrench5/8” socket3” ExtensionGlovesstep ladderRECOMMENDED SPRING TURNSDoor height Spring Turns6’-0” 146’-3” 14-1/26’-5” 156’-6” 156’-8” 15-1/26’-9” 15-1/27’-0” 167’-3” 16-1/27’-6” 177’-9” 17-1/28’-0” 18WARNINGEND bRaCkETRaTChET WITh5/8” sOCkET3” ExTENsIONblaCk TOOThMaRksPaWl kNOb IN uPPERPOsITIONEND bRaCkETPaWl kNOb IN lOWERPOsITIONEND bRaCkETPRIOR TO WINDING OR MakINGaDjusTMENTs TO ThE sPRINGs, EN-suRE yOu’RE WINDING IN ThE PROPER DIRECTION as sTaTED IN ThEINsTallaTION INsTRuCTIONs. OThERWIsE, ThE sPRING fITTINGs MayRElEasE fROM sPRING If NOT WOuND IN ThE PROPER DIRECTIONaND COulD REsulT IN sEVERE OR faTal INjuRy.WARNING