2INSTALLATION (CONT.)The elements should be bent so that they will not touch theheated surface or be affected by reflected or radiated heatunless such a position is determined by the furnace manu-facturer.Care must be used when bending the element to prevent“kinking” it. The element should not be bent with a radius of lessthan one inch and all bending should be done between the coiledpart of the element and a point one inch from the diaphragm cup.The element should be shaped over the thumbs so that a roundbend is obtained.On remote controls, the long capillary tubing between thesensitive bulb and the switch mechanism should be led over apath that will protect it from cuts, blows, wear due to vibration,etc.Use the paper template packed with the control to obtain themounting dimensions.CAUTIONThe limit control is a safety device. The manufacturer ofthe furnace as well as testing agencies (U.L., AGA, CGA)have made many tests on the furnace to determine theproper dial setting.The limit dial should never be set any higher than thesetting it had when the furnace was delivered. Do notforce the dial past any stop on the dial even though thedial may be graduated beyond the stop.1. Loosen stop screw (E) with enclosed wrench.2. Set dial to original equipment manufacturer’s specification.3. Without moving the dial, move stop tab (F) against indicator.4. Retighten stop screw (E).SETTING THE CONTROLLIMIT SWITCH WITH A FIXED DIFFERENTIALThe indicator (B) points to the temperature at which the contactsopen.To set the control:Use a screwdriver in the adjusting slot (A) on the front of thecontrol to rotate dial until the desired temperature at whichthe contacts will open is positioned directly under theindicator (B).“B” FIXEDINDICATOR“A” ADJUSTINGSLOT“E” STOP SCREW“F” STOP TABIf the furnace or burner manufacturer recommends a wiringdiagram, then follow such recommendations. If none are of-fered, connect the fan side (right hand switch) as shown in thediagram on this page.Connect the limit side (left hand switch) according to wiringdiagrams packed with the primary control, gas valve, oil burnercontrol or stoker control.ELEMENTAFFECTEDBY AIR GOINGTO ONLY ONE DUCTAIR FLOW OVERELEMENT AFFECTEDBU HUMIDIFIERHUMIDIFIERNORMALLYGOOD ELEMENTLOCATIONELEMENT MAY BETOO CLOSE TOSOURCE OF HEATUNLESS SUCHPOSITION ISDETERMINED BYFURNACEMANUFACTURERLIMIT FANREMOTE MANUAL SWITCHFOR SUMMER FAN OPERATION(IF USED)FANMOTORTYPE5A75HOTLINENWIRING All wiring should be done in accordance with local and national electrical codes and ordinances.