Bistro Line Installationand Operation ManualPG 11 OF 40M0025�14 SEPTEMBER 2017An ongoing program of product improvement mayrequire us to change specifications without notice.WOOD STONE CORPORATION1801 W. Bakerview Rd.Bellingham, WA 98226 USATOLL FREE 800.988.8103TEL 360.650.1111FAX 360.650.1166E-MAIL info@woodstone-corp.comwoodstone-corp.comINSTALLATION CLEARANCESCLEARANCES1. The Wood Stone Bistro oven must have a minimum 1-inch clearance to combustibles from all sides, 6-inch clearanceto combustibles from the top, and 6-inch clearance from the exhaust transition and flue collar. Any facade wall built 6inches to either side of the doorway and above must be of non-combustible construction� If building a facade that will contactthe oven, use completely non-combustible materials� Please note that standard Drywall (or Sheetrock) is considered a limitedcombustible� Any walls perpendicular to the front of the oven in the area 30 inches to either side of the doorway and 36 inchesin front of the oven should have a non-combustible surface�2. This oven must be installed on a non-combustible floor surface� For use only on noncombustible floors (installér sur unplancher incombustible seulement)� The non-combustible floor surface must extend 36 inches in front of and 30 inches toeither side of the oven doorway�NOTICE: For stucco-ready appliances, the same clearances as described above apply� Non-combustible stucco mix must beused and applied to a minimum thickness of 1"�Maintain 6-inchclearance fromthe flue outletLined area (6" to eitherside of doorway and above)represents space wherefacade materials must benon-combustible�Hatched area mustbe left accessible andunobstructed afterinstallation for air intakeand routine service ofthe oven burner�1-inch minimumside clearanceto combustibleconstructionNon-combustiblefloor, 36" in frontand 30" to eitherside of ovendoorwayWARNING: Installation and servicing of this product could expose you to glasswool/ceramic fibers as wellas calcium silicate dust� ALWAYS WEAR RESPIRATORY AND EYE PROTECTION WHEN INSTALLING ORSERVICING THIS APPLIANCE� Please read this entire manual before you install the oven� Failure to followinstructions may result in property damage, bodily injury or even death� Contact your local building or fireofficials about restrictions and installation inspection in your area�! WARNING: Do not pack required air spaces (clearance) with insulation or other material.EN AVERTISSANT: N’emballez pas les espaces aériens requis avec l’isolation ou tout autre matériel.When non-combustible building materials contact the body of the oven, the clearances to combustiblesare transferred to those non-combustibles.!The rear panel mustbe installed in orderfor the oven to workproperly.