PG 21 OF 36M0324.00 APRIL 2020Traditional Series CEInstallation and Operation ManualRFG-IR-(W) OPERATIONDAILY OPERATION FOR RFG-IR-(W) MODELSIMPORTANT: If at any time you feel that the burner is not operating properly, TURN THE OVEN OFF and call for service.Before servicing, disconnect the electrical supply at the breaker and turn OFF the gas supply at the appliance’s individual gasshutoff valve. In the event of a power failure, no attempt should be made to operate the oven.DAILY STARTUPPress the I/O button to start the oven. The radiant burner will ignite. The infrared Underfloor IR burner will ignite if the actualfloor temperature is below the Hearth Set Point temperature to which the controller is adjusted.Green light indicates the system is energized.Green light indicates the pilot flame for the radiant burner is lit.Green light indicates that the pilot flame for the Underfloor IR burner is lit.This light will go OFF whenever the actual floor temperature is above the Hearth Set Point.TURNING OFF THE OVENPush the I/O button on the controller to turn the oven OFF.Both burners will go out and the digital readout on the controller will go out.ADJUSTING THE RADIANT (DOME) FLAMETo adjust the radiant flame: The radiant flame is always on (when the oven is operating) and can be adjusted to any flameintensity between its highest and lowest setting. Simply turn the knob located to the lower left of the doorway, beneath themantle. This burner is the primary heat source for the oven. The infrared under floor burner will act as an assist, to maintaindesired floor temperatures during periods of high food production.HOW TO READ FLOOR TEMPERATUREThe floor temperature is continuously displayed by the controller in the upper window. This reading is being taken by athermocouple about 25mm (1") below the floor surface, so the actual surface temperature may be different, and is bestmeasured using a non-contact (IR) thermometer. Note: The display will read “LO” when the temperature is below38 °C (100 °F).ADJUSTING THE FLOOR SET POINTTo adjust the oven’s thermostatic floor temperature setting, simply press the arrow button corresponding to the direction inwhich you would like the setting to go. If the thermostatic Hearth Set Point is raised above the actual hearth temperature, theunderfloor IR burner should activate. It is only possible to program the floor’s thermostatic Hearth Set Point to temperaturesfrom 38 °C (100 °F) to 426 °C (100–800 °F). Once proper temperatures for your application have been established, thereshould be little or no need to change the Hearth Set Point.For additional information on temperature control, see the FLAME HEIGHT CONTROL section of this manual.FOR MODELS APPROVED TO ALSO BURN WOODSee the BURNING WOOD section of this manual for information on burning wood. Models listed to burn wood will have a -Wat the end of the model number.