Installation and setupDefining the DocuSP IPDS queueA queue specifically for processing the IPDS data must be created onthe DocuSP. The queue must be defined as a streaming queue.Refer to the DocuSP on-line help for details on creating a streamingqueue.Although DocuSP supports spooling jobs, as well as streaming forother Printer Defined Languages (PDLs), only streaming is supportedfor IPDS. You must select a streaming printer queue in the IPSManager to be used for IPDS printing. A streaming queue processesand prints pages as they are received, which results in minimal delaybetween the time the job is submitted and when printing begins.Streaming is more reliable for IPDS job recovery.Only one streaming queue can be active on the DocuSP at a giventime. If a user attempts to submit an IPDS job while another streamingjob is processing, DocuSP tries to start the job at periodic intervals.The retry attempts continue until the other job completes. TheDocuSP UI does not indicate that retries are in progress or that a newIPDS job is waiting to print. If a non-IPDS spooling job is in progresswhen an IPDS job is received, the IPDS job starts processingautomatically once all previously queued spooled jobs are complete.Managing the print queueThe DocuSP IPDS data streams processed by the IPS Manager aresent to the IPDS print queue. Use the Queue Manager to view andmanage the queue properties applied to jobs. The IPDS tab on theQueue Manager dialog may be used to set the resolution of the printdata supplied to the print engine. Values of 300 or 600 dpi may beselected.While you may want to dedicate a queue to IPDS, the queue may stillbe used for other PDLs, subject to the rules of DocuSP job and queuemanagement. The PDL Format must not be set to override for anyPDL other than IPDS for a queue that is used to print IPDS jobs.Note that a number of DocuSP queue properties can affect theattributes of the printed job. The IBM host keeps close track of thenumber of pages submitted to the DocuSP. However, certain DocuSPqueue properties can affect the number of sheets actually printed. Inaddition, changing the attributes of the job could cause IPDS data toprint incorrectly. Setting queue defaults for such properties does notinterfere with the values selected by the DocuSP IPS Manager.However, overrides for the following queue properties must beavoided:• Quantity• Collation• Sides Imaged• Pages to PrintXerox DocuSP IPDS User Guide 2-3