Calling for service1-2 Troubleshooting Guide– Recent service performed– Previous conditions under which the application hasprinted properly.Give this information to a customer service representative, whowill discuss the information and give you an estimated time ofarrival or assist you over the phone to resolve the problem.Enabling and disabling the modem for remote serviceYour system may be set up to use Sixth Sense Technology—aremote communication capability. Sixth Sense Technology is asuite of tools that allow service personnel to connect with asystem and evaluate its performance. The service representativecan troubleshoot problems remotely, transfer, apply, and removepatches remotely, and, if an on-site call is required, arrive withthe solution to fix the problem.An external modem allows your system to be accessed byremote service technicians.You may be instructed to enable the modem so that thetechnician can dial into your system. Follow this procedure:1. Stop all printing and queueing during the remote servicesession.2. Follow the instructions of your service representative toenable the modem.3. When the remote service session is complete, disable themodem.4. Resume printing and queueing.Refer to the Guide to Configuring and Managing the System,“Using utility commands” chapter, for more information on thecommands used for remote service.If security is a concern, you can turn off the modem, or you canphysically disconnect the cable from the system when it is notbeing used.CAUTIONDepending on the commands used by the technician, the printermay start up during the remote service session. You should notattempt to operate the system or perform any tasks at the printerwhile remote service is in process.