Stock Management and Calibration3-8 Color Management GuideRecommendations:• Use this workflow when you are not concerned about smallamounts of whiteness differences on stocks.• This workflow provides simple and very quick setup.• It is simple to maintain consistent color using this workflowbecause only one calibration applies to all stocks all the time.• You, the customer, never need to go into Color Manager;using this workflow, you need only to use the PrinterManager.• Use this workflow if you want to avoid ineligible jobs found inthe named model.Setup Steps (after software installation):1. Open Printer Manager/Paper Trays and select a tray (e.g,tray 1).2. Select the desired stock size, type, coating etc. and close.Leave the name Unspecified.3. The same should be done for the other trays with physicalstock attributes selected and name remaining Unspecified.Calibrate ANY stock named Unspecified• In Printer Manager: Paper Trays, right click on any tray/stockand select [calibration]. Perform the calibration process.• You have now calibrated and loaded all stocks and trays onthe system. Any incoming job that matches an attribute of thestock, such as the size, pulls from the appropriate tray.Workflow Notes:• Any Unspecified stocks are always placed in the defaultgroup and use the default group’s calibration and destinationprofiles.• The default group can be changed and be used thereafter byany and all Unspecified stocks on the system.Three Stock Model SetupThis set-up utilizes three stock groups to represent all the stockyou use. Three Xerox created groups represent Bright White,White, and Other substrates.The purpose of this set-up, as compared to the Unspecifiedworkflow, is to account for common whiteness differences instocks by using only three groups.