11-6 Fiery Color ManagementRendering stylesThe Rendering Style option specifies a CRD for color conversions. You can modify theRendering Style option to control the appearance of images, such as prints from officeapplications or RGB photographs from Adobe Photoshop. The Fiery allows you toselect from the four rendering styles currently found in industry standard ICC profiles.Fiery rendering style Best used for Equivalent ICCrendering stylePhotographic—Typically resultsin less saturated output thanpresentation rendering whenprinting out-of-gamut colors. Itpreserves tonal relationships inimages.Photographs, including scansand images from stockphotography CDs.Image, Contrast, andPerceptualPresentation—Createssaturated colors but does notmatch printed colors preciselyto displayed colors.In-gamut colors such as fleshtones are rendered well; similarto the Photographic renderingstyle.Artwork and graphs inpresentations. In many cases, itcan be used for mixed pagesthat contain both presentationgraphics and photographs.Saturation, GraphicsRelative Colorimetric—Provideswhite-point transformationbetween the source anddestination white points. Forexample, the bluish gray of amonitor will map to neutralgray. You may prefer this styleto avoid visible borders whennot printing full-bleed.Advanced use when colormatching is important but youprefer white colors in thedocument to print as paperwhite. It may also be used withPostScript color management toaffect CMYK data forsimulation purposes.Relative ColorimetricAbsolute Colorimetric—Provides no white pointtransformation between thesource and destination whitepoints. For example, the bluishgray of a monitor will map to abluish gray.Situations when exact colors areneeded and visible borders arenot distracting. It may also beused with PostScript colormanagement to affect CMYKdata for simulation purposes.Absolute Colorimetric