SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLERXEROX DOCUPRINT 4850/4890 IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM 3-13Switching modes (Dual Mode)The Dual Mode printing option lets you switch back and forthbetween IPS and NPS modes on your Printer Controller. This allowsyour printer to accept IPDS, PostScript, and PCL data streams.When you are in IPS mode, you can spool PostScript and PCL datastreams in the background; however, you can print these jobs onlywhen you switch to NPS mode. When you are in NPS mode youcannot spool IPDS data streams in the background; you can printthem only when you are in IPS mode.IPS mode to NPS mode To switch from IPS mode to NPS mode:1. Check the Control Unit Status field on the IPS main window toverify that the printer is Idle (not printing or receiving data).2. Drain the printer at the host (this stops the host from sendingjobs from the queue). Follow procedures for your own hostsystem.3. At the host, take the printer offline.4. Place the pointer on the background area of the screen (not in awindow or on an icon) and click the right mouse button.5. From the menu that displays, select Start Network Printing.After a few minutes the Printer Controller switches to NPSmode.Caution: Do not select Restart and do not turn the PrinterController or the printer off and on.NPS mode to IPS mode To switch from NPS mode to IPS mode:1. While the printer is idle, enter the command list documents atthe >PS prompt and verify that no print jobs are pending orbeing received.2. Place the pointer on the background area of the screen (not in awindow or on an icon) and click the right mouse button.3. From the menu that displays, select Start IPS Printing.Caution: Do not select Restart and do not turn the PrinterController or the printer off and on.4. Put the printer online at the host.5. Start the printer at the host.