PREINSTALLATION3-28 XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS INSTALLATION PLANNING GUIDEDry ink (toner)Dry ink (also referred to as “toner”) is the black powder which formsthe image on the printed page. There are three cartridges of dry inkin each container. Keep an adequate supply on hand at all times. Theoperator can change throw-away cartridges easily with no mess. Useonly dry ink that is specified for use in your LPS. (Refer to theconsumable supplies table at the end of the “Postinstallation”chapter.)Fuser agentFuser agent is a consumable item required by the LPS. Keep anadequate supply on hand for installation by the Xerox or XeroxLimited service representative.DeveloperDeveloper is a required item that needs to be ordered and kept onhand. It is changed by a Xerox or Xerox Limited servicerepresentative. Use only developer specified for use in your LPS.(Refer to the consumable supplies table at the end of the“Postinstallation” chapter.)TapesEach of the tape drives available on the DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint96MX LPS requires a different tape format.1/4-inch (QIC) The 1/4-inch QIC tape drive uses quarter-inch stream cartridgetapes. The tape data capacity should be 320 MB with 225 KB/seconddata transfer rate.36-TRACK The optional 18/36-track tape drive uses 0.5 inch cartridge tapes witha data capacity of 1.2 GB.18-TRACK The optional 18/36-track tape drive also uses 0.5-inch IBM 3480-compatible cartridge tapes with a data capacity of 200 MB.Cartridges are not available from Xerox.9-TRACK The optional 9-track tape drive supports reel-to-reel 9-track 1600 bpi(PE) and 6250 bpi (GCR) encoded magnetic tapes.