INTRODUCTIONx XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSAGE GUIDEWhat the message guide containsTheXerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX LPS Message Guide isdivided into the following chapters:Chapter 1: CP (COMPRESS command) messagesChapter 2: DSR (disk save and restore command) messagesChapter 3: FD (forms compilation) messagesChapter 4: HIP (host interface processor) messagesChapter 5: IFU (Interpress font utility) messagesChapter 6: OSS (operating system) messagesChapter 7: PDL (job source library compilation) messagesChapter 8: PG (PURGE command) messagesChapter 9: PR (HARDCOPY graphics printing command) messagesChapter 10: PSC (printer subsystem controller command) messagesChapter 11: SCALE command messagesChapter 12: SFS (status file services command) messagesChapter 13: System verification error messagesChapter 14: Summary sheet error messagesChapter 15: DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX LPS additional messagesAppendix: Xerox support servicesGlossary A glossary of terms and abbreviations is providedIndex An alphabetical listing of all unnumbered messages contained in thisguideThe following information is also provided:• Information about ordering additional copies of this messageguide through the Xerox Documentation Subscription Service(XDSS)