XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS MESSAGE GUIDE 11-111. 11SCALE command messagesThe SCALE command enables scanned graphic images (fonts,forms, and logos) to print at an enlarged or reduced size undercertain conditions. Refer to yourDocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX LPSOperations Reference chapters on HIP-accessed communicatingmodes and using graphics for detailed information about the SCALEcommand.**Cannot open input file: xxxxThe requested input file is not found.Action Verify the input file name and reenter the command. (Refer to yourDocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX LPS Operations Reference chapteron managing LPS resources for additional information.)**Cannot open output file: xxxxThe requested output file cannot be created or the required space isnot available on the disk.Action 1. Verify the output file name and reenter the command. (Refer toyourDocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX LPS Operations Referencechapter on managing LPS resources for additional information.)2. Compress the disk(s) to free more contiguous (adjoining)sectors on the disk(s).**Cannot scale files of requested type: xxxxThe requested file cannot be scaled.Action Verify the file type and reenter the command. The file type must beFRM, FNT, FN6, LG0, or LG6. (Refer to yourDocuPrint 96/DocuPrint96MX LPS Operations Reference chapter on managing LPSresources for additional information.)**Dashing not supported**Scaling of the requested form has produced a pattern of lines andspaces that SCALE cannot equate to 600 spi.Action None.**DIAG - CHAR x in yyyy exceeds byte escape; set to 0. 425in**The character named in the message has a width that has been setto .425 by SCALE. Widths that have been overridden in this way nolonger represent the actual size of the characters and may yieldoutput which appears compressedAction None.