Automatic Tray SwitchingChapter 1: Configuring the Printer v 1-113Tray SequenceExamplesThe examples in Table 1.33 discuss conditions and actionsthat take place when various Tray Sequence settings areused.Table 1.33 Tray Sequence examplesCondition Action(s) TakenThe Tray Sequence is set to 4-5-1.All trays are set to Letter paper.There is no paper in Tray 1.Letter paper is requested with the source set toAuto.The printer searches for letter paper in the traysequence order (4-5-1). The printer feeds paperfrom Tray 4 until it becomes empty, and then fromTray 5. When Tray 5 becomes empty, the printerprompts you to load paper (since Tray 1 is empty).Trays 2 and 3 also contain letter paper butthese trays are not searched because they arenot part of the Tray Sequence and the printerfound the requested paper in at least one trayin the sequence.The Tray Sequence is set to 1-2-3.• A Tray 2 paper source is requested.• All trays meet the size/type requirement.The printer feeds paper from Tray 2 because itmeets the size and type requested. When Tray 2becomes empty, the printer feeds from Trays 1 and3.The Tray Sequence is set to 1-2.• Trays 1 and 2 are set to Letter paper, but bothtrays are empty.• Letter paper from Tray 2 is requested.The printer prompts you to load letter paper inTray 1 because it is configured for letter paper.The Tray Sequence is set to MBF-1-2.• The 50 Sheet Bypass Feeder is set to Letter paperand contains one sheet of paper.• All other trays contain Letter paper.• Letter paper from Tray 2 is requested.The printer feeds the first page of the job from the50 Sheet Bypass Tray (MBF) and subsequent pagesfrom Tray 2.The Tray Sequence is any setting.• All trays contain Letter paper.• Legal paper from Tray 2 is requested.The printer prompts you to load legal paper inTray 2.