User Guide 19How are problems identified and reported?TransferThe Transfer utility enables your site operator to transmitpreviously captured data as described in the topic, Capture.There are several different ways to transfer captured data. Datamay be transferred directly to:• Xerox Support Server• FTP site• CD writerNOTE: The destination is set via the Problem Reporting: Settingspage: Transfer tab.To transfer machine and/or job data to Xerox1. Select either [Problem Reporting: Transfer] or the [FilesReady to Transfer] link.The Files to Transfer table opens. This table has four columnsof information–the Call Log ID, Type, Capture Date, and Statuscolumns. The Status column indicates whether the file is NotTransferred, In-Progress, or Completed.2. Select the file you want to transfer.3. If desired, you may click the arrow positioned before the FileID. This expands the view and displays additional fileinformation.4. Click the [Start Transfer] button.If the system needs additional information, a dialog box opensasking for additional information.The system validates the transfer ID provided by XeroxSupport and then transfers the files to either your XeroxSupport Server, an FTP site, or to a CD writer as specified onthe Problem Reporting: File Cleanup page: Transfer tab. If thefiles you want to transfer are more than 400 MB, you areprompted to transfer the files to a CD writer.5. Once the transfer is completed, you can choose to perform aNew Capture, New Transfer or Close Window by selectingthat option.