General Procedures and InformationFaxCentre 2121/2121L 11/06 6-69GP 20 Scanning and Communication Error CodesThe communication error codes appear in the logs and in the transmission reports.General CodesCode 01 - Busy or no fax toneThis code appears after 6 failed attempts. You will have to restart the transmission at a later time.Code 03 - Stopped by operatorCommunication stopped by the operator by pressing the key.Code 04 - Programmed number invalidInvalid single-key or quick-dial number: check the number (for example, a delayed transmissionhas been programmed with a single key and the number corresponding to this key has been de-leted).Code 05 - Scanning faultA fault has occurred at the location of the document to be transmitted. For example, the sheet isjammed.Code 06 - Printer not availableA fault has occurred on the machine: out of paper, paper jam or cover open. This fault code onlyappears if the “reception without paper” parameter is set to WITHOUT PAPER.Code 07 - DisconnectThe communication has been cut (bad connection).Code 08 - QualityThis code generally indicates line quality problems. The document that you have transmitted hasnot been received correctly. Contact your correspondent to check whether it is necessary to re-transmit the document. The interference may have occurred in an unimportant area of the docu-ment.Code 0A - No document to recoverYou have attempted to recover a document from a correspondent, but the latter has not prepared(stored), the document or the password that was entered is wrong.Code 0B - Wrong number of pagesThere is a difference between the number of pages indicated when the document was preparedfor transmission and the number of pages actually transmitted: check the number of pages of thedocument.Code 0C - Received document faultyAsk the correspondent who calls you to check the length of his document (it is too long to be re-ceived in its entirety).