Installation Xerox® Versant™ 2100 PressCustomer Expectation and Installation Guide Xerox Confidential 392. If yes, may the carrier move the equipment at the loading dockand/or the installation site?Yes No3. Can the delivery be made during normal business hours?Yes No4. If no, identify any special delivery instructions on the Analyst SiteWorksheet, located later in this chapter.Yes No5. (USA only) Are union workers at the loading dock and/or theinstallation site?Yes NoDocks1. Is there a loading dock?Yes No2. Is the dock accessible to a truck/trailer for delivery?Yes NoWrite any special instructions for the truck driver:3. Does the dock have load/dock levelers?Yes NoIf no: A fork lift may be required.4. Does the dock area have adequate space for unloading the Press?Yes NoNOTE: If the answer to any of the above questions is No, then a fork liftwill be required to unload the modules from the truck to the floor/groundlevel.Forklift RequirementsIf a forklift is needed for lifting and unloading the print engine modules,refer to the following forklift requirements: The print engine (left and right sides) can be moved by either the long orshort side of the either module. If lifted from the front-to-rear, makesure that a gap exists between the vertical portion of the fork and theprint engine module.NOTE: Forks should not be fully inserted to reduce potential damage tothe front covers or rear electrical panels. Minimum forklift capacity is 6,500 lb. (2,952 kg). Minimum fork length is 60 in. (152 cm), measuring outside the forkpacket. Maximum fork width is 5 1/4 in. (133 mm). Fork spacing is 24 in. (610 mm). Inside fork pocket dimensions of the press are 5 3/4 in. (146 mm) wide x2 3/4 in. (70 mm) high.If forklift extensions/spreader bars are to be used, the maximum forkwidth allowed is 5 1/4 in. (133 mm), and the maximum thickness can be 21/2 in. (63.5 mm).NOTE: Spreader bars must be oriented with the forklift loop toward thefront of the press modules (left and right). Forklift extensions are only tobe used by Xerox authorized carriers.Entrance WaysMeasure entrance ways; they must be wide enough to accommodate theAdvanced HCF dimensions of 39 in / 9960.6 mm by 32 in / 812.8 mm ofthe Press. Is there proper clearance?Yes NoIf No, try another entrance or the site must be modified.StairsAre there stairs anywhere in the delivery path?Yes NoTIP: If there are any stairs in the delivery path, the Carrier Delivery SiteInspection must be performed prior to delivery commitment.WARNING: The Xerox press and print server should never be up-ended orserious damage will result.Elevator RequirementsElevator Weight RequirementsAn elevator capacity of 1200 lb. (545 kg) or more is required to move thepress and print server for an installation. If the elevator capacity is notadequate, options may exist for elevator modifications. Please contact theon-site maintenance support for more information on this process.Does the elevator capacity equal or exceed 1200 lbs. (545 kg) capacity?Yes NoIf no: Determine whether modifications can be made to the elevator toincrease its maximum weight capacity to 1200 lbs. (545 kg). Ifmodifications cannot be made, the elevator cannot be used.Elevator Width RequirementsThe elevator width requirements include the doorway entrance and theinterior area. Measure the elevator entrance and interior dimensions, is theresufficient space to accommodate the press modules?Yes NoIf No and the elevator opening is too narrow, determine whether there isanother means of transporting the press and the print server to theinstallation location.RampsAre there any ramps on the installation route?Yes NoIf Yes: Ensure that the slope of the ramp is less than 20 degrees. Excessivesloping can cause shifting of internal components that can affectsubsystem settings and impact the performance of the press. More than a two-man crew may be required during the installation.