336mm THREAD6mm THREAD4mmLONGSHORT7. FINAL ASSEMBLY902308SH M3x8901312SB M3x12303141SHIM 3x5x1903310SFH M3x10902310SH M3x10902312SH M3x121.5mmSHORTLONGUse appropriate servo arm:K - (23T) KO Propo / JR / Sanwa / MultiplexH - (24T) HitecF - (25T) FutabaServo screw (NOT INCLUDED)Servo (NOT INCLUDED)3x5x1mmNOTEORIENTATIONNOTEORIENTATION3x10mm3x12mm3x12mmHUDY ALU SERVO HORNS#293497 23T#293498 24T#293499 25THUDY CLAMP ALU SERVO HORNS#293404 23T#293405 24T#293406 25TFor more in-corner steering and better steeringresponse, aluminum servo horns may be used.FRONT UPPER DECK#321160-M MEDIUM OPTION#321160-H HARD INCLUDEDMEDIUM - For very-low, low and medium tractiontracks. Generates more traction, absorbs bumps better.HARD - For high & very-high traction tracks. Makesthe car more precise.Install the pivot balls with ProfessionalMulti Tool (HUDY #183011)