37903308SFH M3x8MULTIFLEX™XB4 offers revolutionary flex setting possibilities. Depending on the traction, surface, track layout, you can change the flex setting as you need by adding or removing the screws which are shown bellow.There are three standard flex settings: soft, medium, stiff. The more screws used, stiffer the car is and less screws used, softer the car is.SOFTMEDIUMSTIFFUse soft setting for low-traction, dusty tracks. The carwill create a lot of traction with this setting but will haveless steering and response compared to stiffer setting.Use medium setting for medium-traction tracks.This setting offers good balance between steeringresponsiveness and traction.Use stiff setting for high-traction tracks where a lot ofsteering and car response is required.Do not remove any other screwexcept those shown.IMPORTANTThe more screws used, stiffer thecar is and less screws used, softerthe car is.