40BRAKE ADJUSTING KNOBS:Upper linkage - rear brakeLower linkage - front brakecca 1mm• Turn on the transmitter and receiver and set the engine control servo trim to the neutral position.• Adjust the idle adjustment screw on the carburetor to open approx. 1mm.• Adjust both the throttle linkage and brake linkages accordingly.• DO NOT adjust the linkage with the engine running.NEUTRAl (IDlE)FUll THROTTlE• Adjust the servo-horn mounting position for the carburetor to open fully.• Change the pivot mounting position on the servo horn in case the carburetor is not opening fully or if it is opening excessively.Or if available on the transmitter, adjust the throttle high end point.BRAkE• Adjust the adjustable collars so the brakes work smoothly.• If the brakes apply too much or not enough, adjust the adjustable collars accordingly. Or if available on the transmitter, adjust the brake endpoint.• To tighten brakes, turn collar to thread brake rod INTO pivot.• To loosen brakes, turn collar to thread brake rod OUT of pivot.ENGINE IDLING0.5mmADJUST INDIVIDUAL LINKAGES SEPARATELY TO AVOID INTERFERING WITH THE OPERATION OF THE OTHERS~1mmENGINE IDLINGIDLING ADJUSTMENT SCREW.Use to adjust the idle setting of thecarburetor. Do not allow carburetor toclose to less than 1mm.Body Reamer (HUDY #107600)DETAILTHROTTLE LINKAGE ADJUSTMENT➍Before cutting and making holes on the body, put the unpainted body on the chassis to confirm themounting position and location for holes and cutouts.Before painting, wash the inside of the body with mild detergent, and then rinse and dry thoroughly.Mask all windows.Apply paint masks as appropriate.Paint the body using paints formulated for polycarbonate bodies.When the paint is dry, remove the masking.Carefully cut out the body using appropriate scissors or cutting tools.When you have finished cutting, peel off the external protective films.➊➋➌➎➏➐➑Ensure to make this rear bodymount hole oval so in the case ofchassis flex after a big jump thebody mount will not tear up thehole.