4 Option Components12 YASKAWA ELECTRIC TOBP C730600 57B 1000-Series Option SI-EM3 Installation Manual◆ Option LED DisplayThe option has four LEDs:Bi-color Status LEDs:• Module status (MS) red/green• Network status (NS) red/greenGreen Ethernet LEDs:• Network speed-10/100 (MS) green• Link status and network activity-Link/Act (NS) red/greenThe operational states of the option LEDs after the power-up diagnostic LED sequence iscompleted are described in Table 4. Wait at least 2 seconds for the power-up diagnosticprocess to complete before verifying the states of the LEDs.Table 4 Option LED StatesName<1> Remove the drive front cover to check the status of the LED. Be careful not to touch the main circuit terminals orthe control board in the drive.Indication Operating Status RemarksColor StatusMS– OFF Power supply OFF Power is not being supplied to the driveGreen ON Option operating The option is operating normallyGreen Flashing Option initializing The option is configuring an IP addressRed ON Fatal error occurred The option has detected a fatal(unrecoverable) errorRed Flashing Non-fatal error occurred The option has detected a non-fatal(recoverable) errorNS– OFF Offline or power supply OFF –Green ON Online communicationsestablishedThe option is online and has establishedconnectionsGreen Flashing Control connection active The option is online and has an establishedand active control connection.Red ON Communications error (fatal) The option detected a duplicate IP address10/100<1>Green OFF 10 Mbps is established–Green ON 100 Mbps is establishedLINK/ACT<1>Green OFF Link is not establishedGreen ON Link is establishedGreen Flashing Link is established and there isnetwork activity