24 Read Parameter (PRM_RD)The PRM_RD command is used to read the Inverter's internal constants. For offline parame-ters, it reads the most recently updated setting values.This command can be used in all phases.Note: If the MECHATROLINK-II 32-byte mode is used, PRM_RD can beused only in a sub-command.In the following cases, a warning (STATUS (WARNING) = 1) is generated and the com-mand is ignored. If a warning is generated, the values that are read are undefined.• While using the Digital Operator to change settings: Command alarm (A.95)• If received as a main command in 32-byte mode: Command alarm (A.95)• If a register number (NO) fault occurs: User constant setting alarm (A.94)• If SIZE is an odd number or is not between 2 and 8: User constant setting alarm (A.94)The register number (NO) is the same as the register number that is set and referenced inMEMOBUS transfers. Set the lower byte (LSB) before setting the upper byte (MSB).The SI-T/V7 stores the data read for PARAMETER from lower byte (LSB) to upper byte(MSB).For SIZE, set the number of bytes to be read as an even numbers. Eight bytes can be speci-fied.The values for the number (NO) and the size (SIZE) in the response are copies of the valuesin the command.Byte Command Response1 PRM_RD PRM_RD2 ALARM3 STATUS45 NO NO67 SIZE SIZE8 PARAMETER910111213141516 WDT RWDT