427.3 Status DetailsThis section describes the STATUS field for main commands and the SUBSTATUS field forsub-commands. STATUS Field* With the MEM_RD command, only the settings for the STATUS (CMDRDY) is valid. Otherbits are not used.Bit Name Description Value Setting0 ALM Alarm status 0 No alarm1 Alarm (fault)1 WARNG Warning status 0 No warning1 Warning2 CMDRDY Command ready 0 Busy1 Ready3 BB OFF Baseblock OFF (OFF when output voltage is beingoutput from the Inverter or during baseblock.)0 Baseblock ON1 Baseblock OFF4 PON Main power supply ON (OFF during undervoltage) 0 Main power supply OFF1 Main power supply ON5 RUNX Running 01 Running6 0SP Zero speed 01 Zero speed7 REV Reverse RUN 0 Forward RUN1 Reverse RUN8 RESET Fault reset signal input 01 Fault reset signal input9 AGREE Speed agreement 01 Speed agreementA INV_READY Inverter ready 01 Inverter readyB OPE OPE fault 01 OPE faultC UV_R Recovery after power loss or recovery after momen-tary power loss0 Recovery after power loss1 Recovery after momentarypower lossD REMOTE Local or Remote 0 Local1 Remote (Transfer)E − Not used. 01F − Not used. 01