CONTROL CIRCUITLow voltage terminals shall be wired with Class I Wiring .CONTROL CIRCUIT TERMINALSCONTROL CIRCUIT" TYPICAL CONTROL CIFICUIT TERMINAL ARRANGEMENTClassifi- Tenmnel Signal Function Description Signal LevelcationI Forward operation-stopsignal Forward run al closed, stop at open__2_Reverse operation-stopsignal Revers.- run at closed, stop at open_ _3 Exter nal fault input Fault at closed, normal state at open¬b05 4- _ Fault reset input Reset_ at closed5 _Master/Aux. change(Multi-step s peed ref.l)Aux. freq . ref. a t"closed_" Multi-function contact inputs:Photo-couplerinsulation; Input6__Multi-step speed ref.2 Effective at "closed"Forward/reverse, run mode,multi-speed, jog frequency, accel/de- ; + 24VDCcel time, external fault, external base 8mA,block stop, hold command, inverter7 Jog command Jog run at "closed" overheat prediction, DB command,- - - ---- - -- - - aux. input effective, speed search,8 External coasting stop Inv . output stop at"closed_" __ energy-saving operationl 1 Sequence control inputcommon terminal15 Power supply terminal for Speed ref. power supply + 15V (Allowablespeed ref. _ current 20mA max.)13 Matiter ref. 0 to y- 10V/100% freq . 0 to_-, 10V (20k9)14 speed frequency 4 to 20mA/100% freq. 4 to 20mA (2509)Multi-function analog input:a Speed command, speed gam,16 Aux . frequency ref. IOV/100% speed bias, overtorque, overvol- 0 to +10V (10kfl)c tage bias, rate of acccl / decelDB current17 Common terminal for OV -control circuit12 Connection to shield sheathof signal lead9 Dry contact"Closed" Contact capacity:-- During running (NO) when running Multi-function contact outputs : 250VAC 1A or less10 Output during running, zero 5 0V AC IA or less- speed, agreed speed, arbitrary--25-Zero speed detection Makes at min, agreed speed, frequency dctec-tion, overtorque, undcrvoltagc, Open collector outputfreq. ICn-07) or less run mode, coasting brak- +411V SOmA or lessc. stop,Makes when the freq. ing resistor overheat0 26 Speed agreed detection reaches to ± 1 % ofset freq.o. Open collector output common -Dry contactFault contact output Fault at closed between terminals 18 and 20 Contact capacity.(N0, NC) Fault at between terminals 19 and 20 250VAC IA or lesst open 30VDC IA or lessAnalog Frequency meter output Multi-function analog output :-- frequency, current, voltage, 0 to I IV max .OutputSignal11 Common0 to JOV/100%a freq . and kilowatt meter selection 2mA or lessavailable.for more: efesotomasyon - Yaskawa drive