APPENDIX EOPTIONS(1) OPTION CARDS (Except digital output card DO-08, there treininals areto be connected only class 2 circuits .Notes 1 . Only one option card can be installed at 2CN at a time2 Only one option card can be installed at 3CN at a time3 When a communication interface card is attached at 2CN, no option card can be attached at 3CN.4 All option card terminals (except digital output card DO-08) should be connected to class 2 circuits .OPTIONSName Code No . Function Installing Position Document No .Analog I Permits setting a high-accuracy, high-resolution analog speed refer- Attach the card atSpeed 73600-000IXence" Input signal level : 0 to + IOVDC (20k12) 1 channel 2CN on the control ' TOE-Reference Card 4 to 20mA DC (25052) 1 channel circuit board. ~ C736-30.13AI-14U " Input signal level : 14 bits (1/16384) (See Note 1)Analog Permits setting a high-accuracy, high-resolution analog speed refer- Attach the card at'Speed 73600-0002Xence" Input signal level : 0 to ± IOVDC (20W), 2CN on the control TOE-Reference Card 4 to 20mA DC (25012; 3 channels circuit board. C736-30.14AI-14B " Input reso lution : 13 bits + sign (1/8192) (See Note 1)Digital Speed Permits setting an 8-bit digital speed reference Attach the card ato. Reference " Input signal : Binary 16 bits/BCD 2 digits + Sign 2CN on the control TOE-CardCard 73600-0003X " Input voltage: +24V (isolated) circuit board. C736-30.15DI-08 " Input current: 8mA (See Note 1)Digital Speed Permits setting 16-bit digital speed reference . Attach the card atReference " Input signal : Binary 16 bits/BCD 4 digits + sign 2CN on the control TOE-Card 73600-CO I IX " Input voltage: +24V (isolated) Supplied by external device . circuit board. C736-30.17DI-16G " Input current: 8mA/point I (See Note 1)Permits operation or constant setting by command from master Attach the card atCommunication controller. 2CN on the control 'Interface Card 73600-CO06X " Communication method : Synchronous -circuit board.SI-B " Communication speed: 19.2kBPS (up to 136.5kBPS possible)" In terface : RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 (See Note 1) ,Analog Provides an analog signal for monitoring the output state (output fre- Attach the card atquency, output current, etc.) of the inverter . 3CN on the control TOE-CardCard 73600-DOOIX " Output resolution : 8 bits (1/256) circuit board. C736-30.21AO-08 " Output voltage: 0 to + 1OV (not isolated) (See Note 2)" Output channel: 2 channelsAnalog Provides an analog signal for monitoring the output state (output fre- Attach the card atMonitor quency, output current etc.) of the inverter. 3CN on the control TOE-CardCard " Output resolution : 11 bits (1/2048) circuit board. C736-30.22" Output voltage: 0 to + lOV (not isolated)° AO-12 " Outut channel: 2 channels (See Note 2)Pulse Provides a pulse string signal corresponding to the output frequency Attach the card atof the inverter.Monitor 73600-DO03X " Output pulse: IF, 6F, IOF, 12F, 36F (F: Output frequency) 3CN on the control TOE-Card " Output voltage: + 12V ± l0~%0 (isolated) circuit board. C736-30.23PO-36F " Output current: 20mA max. (See Note 2)Digital Extends multifunction output signal output status . Attach the card atOutput method : Open collector output x 6 pointsOutput 73600-DO04X (48 VDC 50mA or less) 3CN on the control TOE-Card : Relay contact (la) 250VAC IA or less circuit board. C736-30.24DO-08 output x 2 points 30VDC IA or less (See Note 2)for more: efesotomasyon - Yaskawa drive