TakeoffOption 1Press and hold the START/STOP button until the aircraft boots up.Step back approximately 26 feet (8 meters) behind TYPHOON HPLUS. When there is suitable GPS signal for both the ST16S GroundStation and TYPHOON H plus, slowly raise the left-hand stick toslightly above the center position. The aircraft will take off and climbslowly (or raise the stick further until it does). Allow the stick to returnto the center position when the aircraft reaches the desired altitude.BindingBinding the aircraft and ST16SNOTICE: The aircraft and ST16S Ground Station are already bound out of factory. There is no need tobind them. Pilot can follow the steps below if binding is needed.STEP 1: Power on the TYPHOON H PLUS. After initialization completes, the two LEDs on rear arms willblink blue.STEP 2: Lift the aircraft upside down until all LEDs blink yellow quickly, and then turn the aircraft backon straight and level ground.STEP 3: Switch on the ST16S Ground Station. Wait a few seconds for the camera to align and all sys-tems to be connected.STEP 4: Tap the settings icon ( ) on the right top corner of the ST16S. Select the icon ( ) andchoose the Drone.STEP 5: Tap the refresh icon ( ) and then tap OK to unbind RC link. Select the correspondingreceiver listed in the column. Wait until a tip pops up to indicate the binding is completed.Binding the aircraft and C23Step 1.Switch on the ST16S followed by the TYPHOON H PLUS aircraft.Step 2.Tap the[ ]on the top right corner on the main interface ofST16S, then tap the[ ]on the switching interface.Step 3.Tap the serial number of the C23 when the following windowpops up. (If multiple Yuneec UAS are used,check the ID numberon the side of each camera to assure correct camera selec-tion/binding).Step 4.Using the password “1234567890” , authorize the camera and tap"OK" to confirm.NOTICE: If the connection process is delayed, close the pop upwindow and then repeat the above steps.00 : 35 : 25912.6VFSKWIFIGPSVOLFSKWiFiCHAPOSCHAPOS11