UHf. Then speak into the microphone and advance the MI C gain conrrol until the PO meterjust starts to increase on voice peaks. Donot advance the MlC gain funher, or overmodulation (and distortion) may result.lf desired, you can activate the Rf speechprocessor for AM transmissions. Set the METERselector to COMP, and press the PROC swltch.Then close the PTT and adjust the PROC controlfor JOdB compresslon (or less) durlng voicepeaks on the COMP meter scale (use the I Fmonitor t o listen t o your transmlsslons asdescribed for SSB transmission).4 . 8 Programmable Tuning StepsDifferent tuning (and scanning) steps can beprogrammed by lhe operator for each mode ofemlssion. Minlmum steps are 10 Hz, and maximum steps are 99.99 kHz. Programmable stepsare actlve when lunlng by the PROGRAM DOWN/UPkeys above the tun1ng kneb, or by the mlcrophene UP/DWN buuons when lhe MI C U/D swllchis pressed. The default step size Is 5 kHz lnali modes.To reprogram tunln.g steps;( 1) Select the mode for which the new stepsThe VOX syslem and clarifier centrei can also are lO be programmed.be used wlch AM transmission (see §4. 7.2).4.7.6 RTTY, HF Packet & SSTV TransmissionTransmission of narrowband FSK ( F I ; RTTY, SSTVand Bell 103 HF packet) requires lnpul of the(equal level) audlo tones (AFSK) at the PATCHIN jack on the rear panei. Remove the microphone from the M I C jack so that extraneoussounds do not interfere witb your transmitcedslgnal. The PROC and TX SHIFT swltches mustbe off.Press the VOX button to allow automatlc transmlt/recelve swltching (FULL BK-IN may also beused), and select the FSK mede. Note that thedlsplayed frequency is the SSB carrler frequency, so your actual i\ILA.RK and SPACE frequencles will be displaced from the display by theaudlo frequencles of che tones.Use the MI C galn control to adjust power output while transmitting: if using full power( 100 watts). transmissions musl be llmited co20 minutes co avoid overheatlng the powersupply.After transmltting, if the coollng fan is on,don't turn lhe POWER swltch off unlil the sethas had a few minutes t o cool and the fanSWltCh Off.See §4.17 for VHF packet operalion.( 2 ) Press the orange FUNC k.ey: the 10 MHzfrequency d l g í l on the display w i l lbll nk.(3) Prcss elther the DOWN or UP PROGRAMkey: lhe d1splay will new show lhe present step stze, with the 10 kHz dlgltof step slze blinking.( 4 ) Using the ten numbered keys, key ln thedesired step slze for this mode. forexample, t o set 2.5 kHz steps, press0250.( 5 ) Press the H/G (ENT) key to enter thenew step slze into the step memory.Now, when you press the PROGRA.'111 DOWN/UP keysthe tuníng steps will be as you have program med when operaung on the sarne mode.- 25 -