4.. 14 Tips for CW OperatiooAI! o f the tips for SSB operatlon applyequally to CW receptlon, with a few lmporcantadditions. for automatic transmit/receiveswitchíng, the VOX must be switched on.When tuniag around the baads, wider l f selectlvlty (NAR swltch off) allows you to hearmore signals at one time, often making tuningeaster. However, when you find a statlon youwlsh to listen to (or call), press the NARswitch, t o cut out nearby signals and decreasenoise. To avold loosing the desired signalyou must tuae so that the pitcb of hls slgnalIs near che center of the passband, whlch youset with tbe PITCH selector. To check it, setthe D R I V E control to minimum (to avoidcreatlng QRM), and close the key. Tune thereceiver so that the pltch of the deslred signal matches the sidetone (if you want to zerobeat). Then press the NAR switch.Aher selecting the narrow l f filter, you canalso activare the APF, for extra-narrowbandselectivity (there Is little point using theAPF without the NAR switch on). Thts Is mostpractlcai if you have flrst preset the APFfrequency 10 the sldetone:( 1 ) Press the MARK button on tbe rear paneito accivace the marker generator, andpress FULL BK-IN to activate QSK.(2) Set the DRIVE control to minimum, andsqueeze the keyer paddles. Tune therecelver for a heterodyne of the sarnepitch on the nearest 25 kHz marker.(3) Tum on the APF, and adjust the controlfor peak on the heterodyne: now notethe precise settlng of the APF control.( 4 ) Turn off the APF and MARK switches, andadvance the DRIVE control.Now, whenever you tune a signal to the sarnepltch as your sldetone, just bit the APfswitch - only slight adjustment of the APfcontrol may be needed.You can change your PITCH selection at anytlme: it does not arrect your operatlng frequency. However, the APF will have to bereset for the different pitch.AGC selection is a bit more criticai when receiving CW, and depends on the code speed:select the settíng that provtdes the smoothestsoundlng code.Handllng tnterference on CW Is similar to SSB:both SHIFT and NOTCH are even more effective -the NOTCH filter can be used to suppress C Wsignals on nearby frequencles.1 f uslng the Internai electronic keyer, adjustthe KEYER speed control whlle squeezing · thekeyer paddles (generating ·-·-·- ). Make surethe DRIVE control is at minlmum (counterclockwise) when you do this.lf you send very fast CW with FULL BK-IN on,the receiver may not have tlme to recover between code elements, and your transmitted codeelements may be foreshortened. Try semlbreak-io (witb only VOX on).- 31 -