20 FT-8900R Operating ManualHi! I’m R. F. Radio, and I’ll be helping you along as you learn the many featuresof the FT-8900R. I know you’re anxious to get on the air, but I encourage you toread the “Operation” section of this manual as thoroughly as possible, so you’ll get themost out of this fantastic new transceiver. Now. . .let’s get operating!TURNING THE T RANSCEIVER O N AND O FF1. To turn the transceiver on, press and hold in the “right”VOL knob for 2 seconds.When you turn on the FT-8900R, the current DC sup-ply voltage is indicated on the LCD for 2 seconds.After this interval, the display will switch its normalindication of the operating frequency.2. To turn the transceiver off, again press and hold in the “right” VOL knob for 2 seconds.ADJUSTING THE AUDIO V OLUME L EVELThe audio volume level is set independently for the “left” and “right” sides of the trans-ceiver. The “left” VOL knob provides adjustment for the “left” side of the FT-8900R, whilethe “right” VOL knob provides adjustment for the “right” side of the FT-8900R.ADJUSTING THE S QUELCH S ETTINGThe squelch is also set independently for the “left” and “right” sides of the transceiver. The“left” SQL knob provides adjustment for the “left” side of the FT-8900R, while the “right”SQL knob provides adjustment for the “right” side of the FT-8900R.A special “RF Squelch” feature is provided on this radio. This feature allows you to set thesquelch so that only signals exceeding a certain S-meter level will open the squelch. Seepage 26 for detailsSELECTING THE O PERATING B ANDIn the factory default configuration, The FT-8900R operates in the “Dual Receive” mode.During Dual Receive operation, the “Main” band frequency ( on which transmission is pos-sible) will be indicated by the “ ” icon.To establish the “Main” band, simply press the microphone’s [P1] key (MH-48A6J, [ACC]key: MH-42B6JS), or press the DIAL knob for the “left” or “right” side momentarily, asappropriate. You will observe the “ ” icon lighting up alternate sides of the display asyou switch “Main” bands from the “left” side to the “right” side, and vice-versa.BASIC O PERATION465 SQL VOLLOW V/M HM SCNKEY2PWR