19Front Panel Controls & SwitchesFT-891 Operating Manualchannel.Press this key again to copy the currently selected memory channel data to VFO-A.[QMB] keyPress and hold this key for more than one second to write the frequency and thedata presently displayed on VFO-A to the quick memory bank (QMB).● Once all 5 QMB memories have data written on them, the previous data will beover-written on a first-in, first-out basis.● 5 QMB memory channels are provided. Press this key briefly to recall the data writ-ten onto the quick memory banks (QMB) one by one.● To change the frequency in the recalled quick memory bank (QMB), rotate theMAIN DIAL.NOTE: For details on the Quick Memory Bank function, see page 31.[F] keyRepeatedly press this key momentarily to step through the Setting Modes asfollows:à FUNCTION-1 à FUNCTION-2 à CW SETTING à● Select the desired function from the Setting Modes, and then press the MULTIfunction knob to switch the selected function ON or OFF.● While in the Setting Modes, to assign the Setting Modes to the [A]/[B]/[C] keys,rotate the MULTI function knob to select the desired function, and then press andhold the [A]/[B]/[C] key.● FM SETTING, REC SETTING and ATAS SETTING function screens may be en-abled via Menu mode “05-10”, “05-11” or “05-12”.● To return to normal operation, rotate the MAIN DIAL or press another key.Press and hold this key to activate the Menu mode.Programmable Multi Function [A]/[B]/[C] keysThese three keys are user programmable, allowing quick access to often used func-tions.● [A]/[B]/[C] keys are assigned the following functions as default settings:● [A] (SFT): IF SHIFT functionIn the SSB mode, IF SHIFT permits moving the DSP filter passband higher or lower,without changing the pitch of the incoming signal, and thus reduces or eliminatesinterference.1. Press this key to display the IF SHIFT screen.2. Rotate the MULTI function knob to the left or right to reduce interfering sig-nals.3. Press and hold the MULTI function knob to restore the IF SHIFT setting to thefactory default.