14AlignmentRX AdjustmentThe PA Unit must be connected during RX adjustments.The signal generator should not be connected to J1003directly because DC voltage is present there.RX IF AdjustmentConnect the signal generator to the antenna connector,and the SINAD meter to the speaker jack.SSB IF Adjustmentr Tune the transceiver to 51.995 MHz. Inject an RF sig-nal from a signal generator at 0 dBμ output.r Adjust T1018, T1019, T1024, T1026, T1028,T1030, T1035, T1036, T1037, T1034 and T1029alternately for maximum indication on the DC volt-meter. Several passes may be necessary, as the adjust-ments inter-react to some degree.FM IF Adjustmentr Tune the transceiver to 51.995 MHz. Inject an RF sig-nal from a signal generator at 5 dBμ output, with 1kHz AF FM modulation at ±3.5 kHz deviation.r Adjust T1024, T1026, and T1028 alternately formaximum level on the S-meter.Air-Band Reception Adjustmentr Connect the DC voltmeter to TP1044.r Tune the transceiver to 128.00 MHz in the AM mode.Inject an RF signal from the signal generator at 20 dBμoutput, with 30% AM modulation at 400 Hz audio fre-quency.r Adjust T1005 and T1008 for minimum indication onthe DC voltmeter.VHF Band Alignmentr Connect the DC voltmeter to TP1044.r Tune the transceiver to 145.995 MHz in the CW mode.Inject an RF signal from a signal generator at 20 dBμoutput.r Adjust T1006, T1009 and T1010 alternately for mini-mum indication on the DC voltmeter.UHF Band Alignmentr Connect the DC voltmeter to TP1044.r Tune the transceiver to 439.995 MHz in the CW mode.Inject a RF signal from the signal generator at 20 dBμoutput.r Adjust TC1001 for minimum indication on the DCvoltmeter.W-FM Reception Adjustmentr Connect the SINAD meter to the speaker jack.r Tune the transceiver to 88.00 MHz. Inject a RF signalfrom the signal generator at 30dBu output, with ±22.5kHz deviation FM modulation of a 1 kHz audio signal.r Adjust TC1005 for the best SINAD sensitivity. Thenreduce the output level of the signal generator to wherethe signal just begins to sound slightly “noisy,” andadjust TC1005 again for best SINAD.Image Rejection Trap Adjustmentr Connect the AF millivoltmeter to the speaker jack.r Tune the transceiver to 51.995 MHz in the FM mode.Inject an RF signal from the signal generator at 68.330MHz, with 70 dBμ output.r Adjust T1004 for minimum indication on the AFmillivoltmeter. Then increase the output level of thesignal generator slightly and adjust T1004 again, soas to ensure maximum notching of the image.Noise Blanker Adjustmentr Connect the DC voltmeter to TP1043. Tune the trans-ceiver to 51.995 MHz and inject an RF signal from thesignal generator at 20 dBμ output.r Activate the noise blanker, and adjust T1027 andT1031 for minimum indication on the DC voltmeterconnected to TP1043.