18Over-current Protection Adjustmentr Set the mode to CW. Select menu item “18: HF1-IC.”Tune the transceiver to the 1.8 MHz band and key thetransceiver. Adjust this parameter for 140 Watts oftransmission power.r Select menu item “19: HF2-IC.” Tune the transceiverto the 7 MHz band and key the trans-ceiver. Adjustthis parameter for 130 Watts of transmission power.r Select menu item “20: HF3-IC.” Tune the transceiverto the 21 MHz band and key the transceiver. Adjustthis parameter for 130 Watts of transmission power.r Select menu item “21: 50M-IC.” Tune the transceiverto the 50 MHz band and key the transceiver. Adjustthis parameter for 120 Watts of transmission power.r Select menu item “22: VHF-IC.” Tune the transceiverto the 144 MHz band and key the transceiver. Adjustthis parameter for 60 Watts of transmission power.r Select menu item “23: UHF-IC.” Tune the transceiverto 430.000 MHz and key the trans-ceiver. Adjust thisparameter for 25 Watts of transmission power.AlignmentRF Power Adjustmentr Tune the transceiver to the 1.8 MHz band in the CWmode. Select menu item “24: HF1-MAX.” Key thetransmitter, and adjust this parameter for 100 Watts(±5 W) of transmission power.r Select menu item “25: HF1-MID2.” Key the transmit-ter, and confirm that the output power is 50 W (±5W).In case the transmission power is not within the speci-fied tolerance, adjust this parameter for 50 W (±5 W)of transmission power.r Select menu item “26: HF1-MID1.” Key the transmit-ter, and confirm that the output power is 10 W (±1 W).In case the power is not within the specified tolerance,adjust this parameter for 10 W (±1 W) of transmissionpower.r Select menu item “27: HF1-MIN.” Key the transmit-ter, and confirm that the output power is 5 W (±1 W).In case the power is not within the specified tolerance,adjust this parameter for 5 W (±1 W) of transmissionpower.r The other RF power adjustment menus, [HF2-**] and[HF3-**], should be adjusted in the same manner asshown above for the 7 MHz and 21 MHz bands re-spectively.r Tune the transceiver to the 50 MHz band in the CWmode. Select menu item “36: 50M-MAX.” Key thetransmitter, and adjust this parameter for 100 W (±5W) of transmission power.r Select menu item “37: 50M-MID2.” Key the trans-mitter, and confirm that the output power is 50 W (±5W). In case the transmission power is not within thespecified tolerance, adjust this parameter for 50 W (±5W) of transmission power.r Select menu item “38: 50M-MID1.” Key the trans-mitter, and confirm that the output power is 20 W (±2W). In case the power is not within the specified tol-erance, adjust this parameter for 20 W (±2 W) of trans-mission power.r Select menu item “39: 50M-MIN.” Key the transmit-ter, and confirm that the output power is 5 W (±1 W).In case the power is not within the specified tolerance,adjust this parameter for 5 W (±1 W) of transmissionpower.r Tune the transceiver to the 144 MHz band in the CWmode. Select menu item “40: VHF-MAX.” Key thetransmitter, and adjust this parameter for 50 W (±2.5W) of transmission power.r Select menu item “41: VHF-MID.” Key the transmit-ter, and confirm that the output power is 20 W (±2 W).In case the transmission power is not within the speci-fied tolerance, adjust this parameter for 20 W (±2 W)of transmission power.