ALIGNMENT-11AlignmentFT-950 Technical SupplementDrive Stage Idling Current Adjustment Connect the DC ammeter to J5004 on the PA-AUnit. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select thealignment parameter “H-02 db1”. P r e s s t h e P T T b u t t o n , t h e n a d j u s t t h e[CLAR(VFO-B)] knob so that the DC ammeterreading is “500 mA (±50 mA)”. Release the PTT button. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select thealignment parameter “H-03 db2”. P r e s s t h e P T T b u t t o n , t h e n a d j u s t t h e[CLAR(VFO-B)] knob so that the DC ammeterreading is “500 mA (±50 mA)”. Release the PTT button.Final Stage Idling Current Adjustment Connect the DC ammeter between TP5031 andTP5032 on the PA-A Unit. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select thealignment parameter “H-04 Fb1”. P r e s s t h e P T T b u t t o n , t h e n a d j u s t t h e[CLAR(VFO-B)] knob so that the DC ammeterreading is “1 A (±50 mA)”. Release the PTT button. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select thealignment parameter “H-05 Fb2”. P r e s s t h e P T T b u t t o n , t h e n a d j u s t t h e[CLAR(VFO-B)] knob so that the DC ammeterreading is “1 A (±50 mA)”. Release the PTT button.Termination Press and hold in the [MENU] button for one sec-ond to save the new settings and exit the align-ment mode. Disconnect the 50-Ohm resistors from J5001 andJ5006, then connect the coaxial cables to J5001 andJ5006. Re-connect the jumper plugs to J5003 and J5004,and re-connect the jumper wire between TP5031and TP5032.Antenna Tuner AdjustmentCM Coupler Balance Adjustment Connect the 50-Ohm Dummy Load and Wattme-ter to the “ANT 1” jack. Connect the Digital DC voltmeter (high-Z) to pin3 of J6003 on the TUNER Unit. Turn off the [TUNE] switch, then set the VFO-Afrequency to 24.900 MHz in the CW mode. Press and hold in the [1.8(1)], [3.5(2)], and [7(3)]keys, while turning the radio on, to enter thealignment mode. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select thealignment parameter “I-08 iAL”. P r e s s t h e P T T b u t t o n , t h e n r o t a t e t h e[CLAR(VFO-B)] knob for 50 Watts on the Watt-meter. Adjust TC6001 on the TUNER Unit for minimumdeflection on the DC voltmeter (less than 0.1 V). Release the PTT button, then press the [MENU]button momentarily to exit the alignment mode.TUNER U NIT ALIGNMENT POINTSTC6001Pin 3 of J6003