FTA-230 OperATing MAnuAl32scannIng operatIonThe FTA-230 allows you to scan automatically in theVFO1 , Main Memory, “Book” Memory, or WeatherChannel2 modes. It pauses on signals encountered, soyou can talk to the station(s) on that frequency, if youlike.1: In the VFO mode, the automatic scanner is onlyavailable in the COM band (118.000 - 136.975MHz); when the scanner reaches the uppermostfrequency in the COM band, it will revert to the bot-tom end of the COM band and repeat the scanningprocess until you cancel the scanning process.2: USA version only.If you wish to scan in the NAV band (108.000 - 117.975MHz), you can do so manually, as described below.Scanning operation is basically the same in each of theabove modes. Press and hold in the[ (SET)] key for 2seconds to start theautomatic scanner up-ward (toward a higherfrequency or a higherchannel number). When the scanner encounters a signal, the scannerwill halt on that channel and will hold there for fiveseconds, after which scanning will resume. While the scanner remains paused on a frequency,the decimal point of the frequency displays blinks.The display will be illuminated unless the ScanLamp Feature is turned off. To change the scan direction, turn the DIAL selectorknob one click in the opposite direction. To stop the automaticscanner, press the PTTswitch or the [ENT()] key momentarily.You may also just pressthe [ (SET)] key.: If you change a function of DIAL and [ ]/[] key by pressing the [F] key followed by the[5(DIAL/)] key, you may change the scan direc-tion by pressing the []/[] key in the oppositedirection.