FTA-750/FTA-550 O perATing MAnuAl45adVanced operatIon T o a d j u s t t h e V O Xgain, select one of thefollowing gain levels onthe item “VOX LEVEL”of the COMM SETUPm e n u i n t h e S E T U Pmode.M I N / L E V E L 1 /LEVEL2 / LEVEL3 /MAXVOX LEVELMINLEVEL1LEVEL2LEVEL3MAXCOMM SETUP To set the VOX delay,select one of the follow-ing times on the item“VOX DELAY” of theCOMM SETUP menu inthe SETUP mode.0 . 5 s e c / 1 . 0 s e c /1 . 5 s e c / 2 . 0 s e c /3.0secVOX DELAY0.5sec1.0sec1.5sec2.0sec3.0secCOMM SETUPSide Tone ControlWhen utilizing an external headset, you may monitoryour own voice talking to the microphone through theheadphone.Note:Do not activate the side tone function when connectingthe optional microphone SSM-10A. To activate the monitoring of your voice (side tone),select one of the following side tone level on theitem “SIDE TONE” of the COMM SETUP menu inthe SETUP mode.MIN/LEVEL1/LEVEL2/MAXFREQUENCY STEPTX TOTAF PITCH CONT.MIC SELECTSIDE TONEVOXVOX LEVELVOX DELAYCOMM SETUPSIDE TONEOFFMINLEVEL1LEVEL2MAXCOMM SETUP To change the side tone level temporarily duringthe monitoring, rotate the DIAL selector knob whenpressing and holding the PTT switch.