4. While holding the [DNR]+[CONT] for the D or [NR]+[CONT] buttons for the Contest andMP, press the front main power switch to turn the radio on. You will see [dSP Prg] on the radiodisplay.5. On your computer desk top open PEP9000_EDSP folder and find the EDSP-9000 icon as shownbelow. Double-click the EDSP-9000 icon, displayed on the Program Screen.6. Click the Update button. You will see AH010N_V1153 out file displayed. If you do not seeAH010N_V1153 (as in the screen below), then open the “Look in:” window and go to the desktopand find PEP9000_EDSP. Open the folder and AH010N_V1153 will be displayed in thewindow. Click AH010N_V1153 out file to highlight it. Then click the Open button and wait untilthe program is loaded, and 100% is indicated on the bar graph, [completion!!] will be displayed.7. Turn the front Power Switch and the Main Power Switch in the back OFF (or turn off the powersupply for FTdx9000MP and wait a minute, until the capacitors discharge) and remove the ACpower cord. This resets the radio and locks in the new software. Remove the DB9F to DB9Fcable. The updating process is now completeIt is important to reset the FTdx9000. Plug the radio back in. Press and hold in the [FAST] and[LOCK] keys; while holding them in, turn the radio back on (this resets the radio and locks inthe new software).NOTE: We recommend trying the new factory default settings rather than transferring your old ones,because of the changes in the EDSP and the Main CPU, you may wish to make new settings.NOTE: If you receive a “communicationserror” message on your screen you shouldcheck the COM port number and speed underDevice Manager. The writing speed 38.4kbpsis fixed in the download algorithm of the EDSPboard so you may need to set the port speedclose to 38.4kbps. Click on the COM Selectbox arrow and choose a different COM portfrom the drop down menu in the EDSP9000writer.