VX-6R/E OPERATING MANUAL 53“PRIORITY CHANNEL” SCANNING (DUAL WATCH)The VX-6R/E’s scanning features include a two-channel scanning capability which allowsyou to operate on a VFO or Memory channel, while periodically checking a user-definedMemory Channel for activity. If a station is received on the Memory Channel which isstrong enough to open the Squelch, the scanner will pause on that station in accordancewith the Scan-Resume mode set via Set Mode Item 49: RESUME. See page 46.Here is the procedure for activating Priority Channel Dual Watch operation:1. Press the [V/M(DW)MT] key momentarily to enter the Memory Recall mode, if you arenot using memories already. If you are operating within a Memory Bank, you must exitfrom Memory Bank operation by pressing the [BAND(SCN)BND DN] key momen-tarily.2. Press and hold in the [F/W] key for one second, then rotate the DIAL knob to selectthe memory channel you wish to be the “Priority” channel.3. Press the [BAND(SCN)BND DN] key. The “ ” icon will ap-pear to the left side of the memory channel number, indicating itis the Priority channel while recalling the channel.4 Now set the VX-6R/E for operation on another memory channel, Home channel, or ona VFO frequency.5. Press and hold in the [V/M(DW)MT] key for one second. The display will remain onthe VFO or memory channel selected; however, the “ ” iconwill appear on the display, and every five seconds the VX-6R/Ewill check the Priority Channel for activity. If a station appears onthe Priority Channel, the radio will pause on that channel, as described previously.6. To exit from Dual Watch, press the [V/M(DW)MT] key momentarilySCANNING