Operation424. Open the throttle slightly without shiftingusing the neutral throttle lever or free ac-celerator. You may need to change thethrottle opening slightly depending onengine temperature. After the enginestarts, return the throttle to the originalposition.TIP: On remote controls equipped with a neu-tral throttle lever, a good starting point is tolift the lever just until you feel resistance,then lift slightly more. The neutral throttle lever or free accelera-tor can only be used when the remote con-trol lever is in neutral.5. Press in and hold the main switch to op-erate the remote choke system. The re-mote choke switch automatically returnsto its normal position when you releaseyour hand. Therefore keep the switchpressed in.TIP: It is not necessary to use the choke whenstarting a warm engine. Push in the main switch fully, or the remotechoke system will not operate.6. Turn the main switch to “ ” (start),and hold it for a maximum of 5 seconds.7. Immediately after the engine starts, re-lease the main switch and allow it to re-turn to “ ” (on). NOTICE: Never turnthe main switch to “ ” (start)while the engine is running. Do notkeep the starter motor turning formore than 5 seconds. If the startermotor is turned continuously formore than 5 seconds, the battery willbe quickly discharged, thus making itimpossible to start the engine. Thestarter can also be damaged. If theengine will not start after 5 secondsOFFONZMU01880NZMU02314STARTOFF ONZMU02315STARTOFF ONZMU03753