E104011qEMU00176MOUNTING THE OUTBOARDMOTORwImproper mounting of the outboardmotor could result in hazardous condi-tions such as poor handling, loss of con-trol, or fire hazards. Observe the follow-ing:8 The information presented in this sec-tion is intended as reference only. It isnot possible to provide completeinstructions for every possibleboat/motor combination. Propermounting depends in part on experi-ence and the specific boat/motor com-bination.8 Your dealer or other person experi-enced in proper rigging should mountthe motor. If you are mounting themotor yourself, you should be trainedby an experienced person. [permanentmounted type]8 Your dealer or other person experi-enced in proper outboard motormounting should show you how tomount your motor. [portable type]Mount the outboard motor on the centerline (keel line) of the boat, and ensure thatthe boat itself is well balanced. Otherwise,the boat will be hard to steer. For boatswithout a keel or which are asymmetrical,consult your dealer.1 Center line (keel line)3-2