E4-26EMU01460CHANGING GEAR OILw8 Be sure the outboard is securely fas-tened to the transom or a stable stand.You could be severely injured if the out-board falls on you.8 Never get under the lower unit while itis tilted, even when the tilt-supportlever/knob is locked. Severe injurycould occur if the outboard accidentallyfalls.1) Tilt the outboard motor so that the oildrain plug is at the lowest point possi-ble.2) Place a suitable container under thegear-case.6020534) Align the propeller nut with the pro-peller shaft hole. Insert a new cotterpin in the hole and bend the cotter pinends.NOTE:If the propeller nut does not align with thepropeller shaft hole after tightening to thespecified torque, then tighten the nut fur-ther to align it with the hole.Tightening torque:Refer to “SPECIFICATIONS” page 4-1.