Safety information5Stand-on vesselThe vessel with the right-of-way has the dutyto continue its course and speed, except toavoid an immediate collision. When you main-tain your direction and speed, the other vesselwill be able to determine how best to avoidyou.Give-way vesselThe vessel that does not have the right-of-way has the duty to take positive and timelyaction to stay out of the way of the Stand-Onvessel. Normally, you should not cross in frontof the vessel with the right-of-way. You shouldslow down or change directions briefly andpass behind the other vessel. You should al-ways move in such a way that the operator ofthe other vessel can see what you are doing.“ The general prudential rule ”This rule is called Rule 2 in the InternationalRules and says,“ In obeying and construing these rules dueregard shall be had to all dangers of naviga-tion and collision, and to any special circum-stances, which may render a departure fromthe above rules necessary in order to avoidimmediate danger.”In other words, follow the standard rules ex-cept when a collision will occur unless bothvessels try to avoid each other. If that is thecase, both vessels become “ Give-Way ” ves-sels.EMU25521Rules when encountering vesselsThere are three main situations that you mayencounter with other vessels which could leadto a collision unless the Steering Rules are fol-lowed:Meeting: (you are approaching another ves-sel head-on)Crossing: (you are traveling across the othervessel’s path)Overtaking: (you are passing or beingpassed by another vessel)In the following illustration, your boat is in thecenter. You should give the right-of-way toany vessels shown in white area (you are theGive-Way vessel). Any vessels in the shadedarea must yield to you (they are the Give-Wayvessels). Both you and the meeting vesselmust alter course to avoid each other.MeetingIf you are meeting another power vessel headon, and are close enough to run the risk of col-lision, neither of you has the right-of-way Bothof you should alter course to avoid an acci-dent. You should keep the other vessel onyour port (left) side. This rule doesn’t apply ifboth of you will clear one another if you con-tinue on your set course and speed.©2019 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A.