INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS4-334Rebound damping forceTo increase the rebound dampingforce and thereby harden the rebounddamping, turn the adjusting screw indirection (a). To decrease the rebounddamping force and thereby soften therebound damping, turn the adjustingscrew in direction (b).TIPTo obtain a precise adjustment, it isadvisable to check the actual totalnumber of turns of the damping forceadjusting mechanism. This adjustmentrange may not exactly match the spec-ifications listed due to small differenc-es in production.WARNINGEWA10222This shock absorber assembly con-tains highly pressurized nitrogengas. Read and understand the fol-lowing information before handlingthe shock absorber assembly. Do not tamper with or attemptto open the cylinder assembly. Do not subject the shock ab-sorber assembly to an openflame or other high heat source.This may cause the unit to ex-plode due to excessive gaspressure. Do not deform or damage thecylinder in any way. Cylinderdamage will result in poordamping performance. Do not dispose of a damaged orworn-out shock absorber as-sembly yourself. Take the shockabsorber assembly to a Yamahadealer for any service.1. Rebound damping force adjusting screwRebound damping setting:Minimum (soft):3 turn(s) in direction (b)*Standard:1 1/2 turn(s) in direction (b)*Maximum (hard):Adjusting screw fully turned in di-rection (a)* With the adjusting screw fullyturned in direction (a)1 (a)(b)