SAFETY INFORMATION1-51tor and may limit control ability,therefore, such accessories arenot recommended.● Use caution when adding electri-cal accessories. If electrical acces-sories exceed the capacity of themotorcycle’s electrical system, anelectric failure could result, whichcould cause a dangerous loss oflights or engine power.Aftermarket Tires and RimsThe tires and rims that came with yourmotorcycle were designed to match theperformance capabilities and to providethe best combination of handling, brak-ing, and comfort. Other tires, rims, siz-es, and combinations may not beappropriate. Refer to page 6-19 for tirespecifications and more information onreplacing your tires.Transporting the MotorcycleBe sure to observe following instruc-tions before transporting the motorcy-cle in another vehicle.● Remove all loose items from themotorcycle.● Check that the fuel cock (ifequipped) is in the “OFF” positionand that there are no fuel leaks.● Point the front wheel straightahead on the trailer or in the truckbed, and choke it in a rail to pre-vent movement.● Shift the transmission in gear (formodels with a manual transmis-sion).● Secure the motorcycle with tie-downs or suitable straps that areattached to solid parts of the mo-torcycle, such as the frame or up-per front fork triple clamp (and not,for example, to rubber-mountedhandlebars or turn signals, or partsthat could break). Choose the lo-cation for the straps carefully sothe straps will not rub againstpainted surfaces during transport.● The suspension should be com-pressed somewhat by the tie-downs, if possible, so that the mo-torcycle will not bounce excessive-ly during Page 5 Thursday, July 19, 2012 6:59 PM